4 Tips for Prepping Your Home for an AC Installation

4 Tips for Prepping Your Home for an AC Installation

Summer’s coming, which means temperatures will steadily increase, and efficient air conditioning is going to be vital in keeping your family comfortable. Here are four tips for prepping your Grayslake, IL, home to ensure a smooth AC installation. 1. Choose the...
The Connection Between Indoor Air Quality & Sleep Quality

The Connection Between Indoor Air Quality & Sleep Quality

At least 21 studies have found a positive correlation between air pollution and poor sleep. If you aren’t getting enough rest, you can feel the effects the next day and long down the road. In Lake Bluff, IL, and surrounding communities along the North Shore,...
3 Signals Your Gas Furnace Valve is on the Fritz

3 Signals Your Gas Furnace Valve is on the Fritz

When it comes to heating, gas furnace valves are an open-and-shut case. They open when your thermostat calls for heat, then close again when your Grayslake, IL, home reaches the desired temperature. Since the valve directs the flammable fuel to the burners, it’s...
4 Need to Know Heating & Cooling Efficiency Terms

4 Need to Know Heating & Cooling Efficiency Terms

Gurnee, IL, families rely on their heating and cooling systems to counteract the diverse weather conditions that hit the area. Installing efficient HVAC equipment is critical to maintaining high comfort levels and controlling energy costs. Here are four terms to know...
Grayslake, IL Heating: Furnace Smells That Signal Trouble

Grayslake, IL Heating: Furnace Smells That Signal Trouble

You depend on your furnace to keep things cozy inside your Grayslake, IL, home. In some cases, however, it may create unpleasant smells during startup or operation. Knowing which odors could pose a threat to you and your family will allow you to operate your heating...
3 Tips for Boosting Air Quality in Pet-Friendly Homes

3 Tips for Boosting Air Quality in Pet-Friendly Homes

Pets bring joy and playfulness to your life, but they also make it challenging to maintain good indoor air quality (IAQ) in your Lake Villa, IL, home. If your home’s IAQ is suffering because of your furry family members, here are some things you can do to make...
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