Hot and humid weather in Grayslake, IL, will have you reaching for the thermostat for relief. If you’re tired of paying higher and higher electricity bills each month of the summer season, you’re not alone. Follow these tips to reduce the costs of cooling your Grayslake, IL home during the summertime.

Keep Out the Heat

Many homeowners open the curtains and blinds so that sunshine can brighten their rooms. However, this also allows heat to get into your house. To decrease the burden on your air conditioner, keep the blinds and curtains closed. The Department of Energy suggests choosing lighting that operates at lower temperatures, running heat-generating appliances overnight and sealing cracks to stop heat from infiltrating your house.

Install a Smart Thermostat

Keep your home warmer when you go out for several hours. If you forget to adjust the thermostat, consider installing a smart thermostat. Smart thermostats allow you to program schedules for four time periods each day and every day of the week. If you take a vacation, it maintains the temperature setting. Some smart thermostat brands also integrate with an app on your phone. They adjust the timing of cooling cycles when your phone reaches a short distance from your home.

Schedule an AC Tune-up

An AC tune-up keeps your air conditioner running as efficiently as possible. During a tune-up visit, technicians clean the indoor and outdoor coils and fans, lubricate the motor, check the refrigerant level, and clean or replace the air filter. Replacing a dirty air filter could lower your home’s cooling costs by 15%. Change the filter at least every three months.

An AC tune-up also lowers the chance that you’ll need AC repairs this summer and in the future. To learn more about ways to reduce air conditioning costs during the summer months of the year, take a look at Herchenbach Mechanical Inc.’s air conditioning services, or contact us today.

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