Although summer is approaching, there’s still time to schedule a tuneup for your heat pump in Wadsworth, IL. Here’s why you should schedule heat pump maintenance this spring:

Preparing for the Summer Cooling Season

Though the summers in Wadsworth, IL, tend to be milder than in many other parts of the country, it’s still wise to make sure your heat pump is in good shape for the coming cooling season. A maintenance service technician can do exactly that when they:

  • Check refrigerant levels.
  • Refill refrigerant if necessary.
  • Clean debris from your system’s coils or compressor.
  • Examine its reversing valve./li>
  • Tighten bolts.
  • Perform any other tasks they find necessary.

Preempting or Cutting Down on the Need for Repairs

Maintenance actions like those above can boost your heat pump’s performance and catch latent problems before they become more serious. This is especially important because your heat pump might break down at any time, and it can be particularly bothersome if this happens during the summer. If you schedule maintenance twice per year, you can decrease the incidence of emergencies like these and save money on repairs> over the long run.

Prolonging the Life of Your Heat Pump

Finally, periodic maintenance will enable your heat pump to serve you longer. The average lifespan of an air-source heat pump is about 15 years, while a ground-source heat pump may last for 25 years or more.

With regular tuneups, your heat pump may be able to exceed these averages. Without them, it’s much more likely to break down before reaching them.

If you haven’t given the heat pump in your home in Wadsworth, IL, a tuneup this year, it’s not too late. Call our team at Herchenbach Mechanical Inc. and ask for our HVAC services today, including heat pump maintenance. We’ll ensure your heat pump operates smoothly and safely all cooling season.

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