We tend to see air pollution as an outdoor problem. But because many buildings in Gurnee, IL, are so tightly sealed, indoor air can be many times more polluted than what’s outside. This is bad news for anyone with allergies or a respiratory disorder. Contaminants like pet dander, dust mites, mold, bacteria, pollen, insect droppings and viruses are common indoor air pollutants that we breathe in every day. Fortunately, we can do something about keeping you and your home healthier.

Maintain Indoor Humidity Levels for Home Health

Keeping humidity levels between 45 and 55 percent will improve indoor air quality. Mold, dust mites, fungi, bacteria and viruses all thrive on moisture, so keeping indoor humidity levels under control can keep pollutants at bay. Your air conditioner can manage humidity levels in the summer; humidifiers and dehumidifiers can manage humidity levels all year long.

Increase Indoor Ventilation

Research indicates that stagnant indoor air contains contaminants that spread disease. Studies have also shown that adequate ventilation can remove the stale indoor air that disease-carrying microorganisms seem to find so inviting. Proper ventilation will keep the air in your Gurnee, IL, home fresh and inviting, especially if you include HEPA air purification filters in the mix. Not only will you have fresher indoor air, you will also have healthier indoor air because HEPA filters are so effective at trapping the tiny airborne contaminants that cause poor indoor air quality.

Eliminate Dampness, Eliminate Mold

Mold can only grow in a moist environment. If there is mold in your house, dampness and moisture are usually to blame. Too much moisture in your indoor air encourages the growth of mildew, mold and fungi that, in turn, can trigger asthma attacks and cause a variety of respiratory problems.

Want to learn more about how air purification can make your Gurnee, IL, home a happier and healthier place? Check out the indoor air quality solutions at Herchenbach Mechanical Inc. or call (847) 260-9335.

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