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How HVAC Maintenance Benefits IAQ

3 Tips for Boosting Air Quality in Pet-Friendly Homes

Airborne contaminants inside the home are cause for concern among Gurnee, IL residents, particularly for those suffering from respiratory ailments. For families all over the area, it is vital to ensure good indoor air quality (IAQ).

How HVAC Maintenance Improves IAQ

There are many substances in the average home that could potentially cause health problems. Biological growth, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), dust particles, and pet dander can trigger allergies and asthma attacks, or worsen an existing condition. This is why it is necessary to keep your HVAC system in optimum condition.

HVAC maintenance helps ensure that the air passing through your household vents is clean and well-filtered. In addition to keeping your system operating efficiently, regular maintenance clears out the dust, dirt, and biological growth that could have accumulated in the filters and coils. This goes a long way in improving the IAQ of your home.

Getting your HVAC system serviced by a professional enables the air filter to do what it is designed for: trap airborne particles and prevent contaminated air from the attic and crawlspace from entering the household. These functions are essential for maintaining healthy IAQ.

A Poorly-Maintained HVAC Puts Everyone at Risk

HVAC systems that aren’t maintained regularly can become breeding grounds for bacteria and biological growth. Over time, the filters and the coils become much less efficient, allowing these contaminants to seep into your home’s interior.

If you haven’t had your HVAC equipment cleaned in a long time, you may detect a musty odor coming from the vents. This is a sure sign that there is a significant amount of biological growth in the system. When this happens, it is vital to have your system checked by a specialist as soon as possible.

Learn more about how to improve IAQ by calling Herchenbach Mechanical Inc. at (847) 260-9335. We’ll help you find the air quality you and your family need.

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