Indoor air quality problems can not only reduce your company’s attractiveness to potential customers but could also lead to serious health problems for you and your staff members. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency notes that Americans spend as much as 90 percent of their time in indoor environments. At the same time, these indoor areas can be significantly more polluted than the air outside your business premises. Understanding the contributing factors to indoor air quality problems can often allow you to address these problems more effectively for your business in Gurnee, Illinois.

What Causes Indoor Air Quality Problems?

Poor indoor air quality can result from a number of factors, including the following:

  • Lack of ventilation
  • Contamination by pesticides, cleaning fluids or other chemical compounds
  • Mold and mildew buildup
  • Air that is too humid or too dry
  • Dust and particulates in the air
  • Volatile organic compounds, also known as VOCs, that are released by furniture or construction materials

These pollutants can cause serious issues for your customers, your staff members and for anyone who spends significant time in your business. Working with a reliable company that offers commercial HVAC services is a solid step toward resolving indoor air quality problems inside your office buildings and commercial spaces.

What Are the Potential Health Effects of Poor Indoor Air Quality?

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration, better known as OSHA, has listed some health issues that are often related to indoor air quality problems in the workplace:

  • Headaches and fatigue
  • Increased risks of asthma attacks
  • Irritation of the eyes, nasal passages and lungs
  • Increased likelihood of developing cancer because of exposure to asbestos or radon gas

If your employees, customers or other guests to your commercial properties complain of any of these symptoms, working with a qualified HVAC contractor can help you to improve ventilation and to reduce the concentration of pollutants in your indoor air.

At Herchenbach Mechanical Heating & Cooling, our team can provide the right options for maintaining your HVAC system and for dealing with indoor air quality problems promptly and effectively. To schedule an appointment for commercial HVAC services from our certified and knowledgeable technicians, give us a call today. We look forward to the chance to serve you.

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