If you live in Gurnee, Illinois, you know the importance of adequate indoor heat. When wind, snow and ice make life miserable outside, providing warmth indoors becomes crucial to comfort and good health.
Ways to Help Your Heater
Follow the tips below to ensure that your heating system continues to be effective in protecting your family during the chilly winter months.
Seal Air Leaks and Install Carbon Monoxide Detectors
In winter, air leaks cause indoor heat to escape as cold outdoor air flows in. Air that enters the basement or crawl space is pulled upward into living areas, pushing heated air into the attic. Finding and sealing leaks helps keep heat where you want it. A completely sealed home, however, may result in heightened levels of carbon monoxide or volatile organic compounds. Adequate ventilation, combined with the installation of carbon monoxide detectors in all living areas, is important.
Keep Vents Unobstructed
Ice storms and blowing snow can create safety hazards by clogging vents. If snow piles high enough to cover outdoor vents, your heater cannot operate efficiently.
Check air duct vents regularly. Keep furniture away. Remove lint or other debris.
Make Sure That HVAC Maintenance Is Up to Date
Heating equipment requires more frequent maintenance when temperatures drop. At a minimum, check air filters once a month to see if they need to be changed.
Unusual noise may indicate that sealed bearings are wearing out or fasteners are working loose. Timely repairs may prevent an emergency.
HVAC Maintenance Help for Lake County Homeowners
If you live in Gurnee, IL, check out Herchenbach Mechanical, Inc. or call (847) 260-9335. Our friendly, professional staff welcome the opportunity to talk with you. We are dedicated to serving our customers in the best manner possible and have the knowledge, skills and training needed to ensure that your home stays cozy and comfortable at all times.