Leaving the comfort you have for the comfort you want isn’t easy. If your air conditioning is struggling to cool your home, it’s probably time for an upgrade. A new air conditioning system can benefit your family and your wallet. With the technology and features available today, you can look forward to your next replacement.
- New air conditioning systems are increasingly efficient, so your energy bills will be lower.
- You can start saving right away while avoiding extra repairs and inflated power bills.
- The same technology that has increased energy efficiency has also improved indoor comfort.
Air Conditioning Innovations
- Variable-speed and two-stage compressors don’t have to run full blast, so they reduce temperature swings and save you money.
- Smart thermostats control the temperature and humidity precisely while improving energy efficiency by 20 percent.
- Base models perform better when paired with efficiency-boosting air handlers.
- New refrigerants are safer for the environment and don’t damage the ozone layer.
- Sound-blocking insulation and specially engineered fan blades ensure quiet operation.
Replacing vs. Repairing
Although central air conditioners can last for 15 to 20 years, early replacements are recommended if you’ve experienced hefty repair bills or a decrease in cooling power. There are several calculations for comparing the cost of replacements and repairs. According to one method, if the repair cost multiplied by the age of the unit exceeds $5,000, replacement is a better option. Remember that a new air conditioner can reduce your cooling costs by 20 to 40 percent, so it’s a sound investment. Herchenbach Mechanical can give you an expert opinion and recommend a system that’s appropriate for the climate in Gurnee, Illinois, and the greater Chicago area.
Replacing your air conditioning system will save you quite a bit of money in the long run. Financing options and utility rebates can make a new system more affordable. Head over to our product page to view our Carrier air conditioners, or call (847) 260-9335 to learn more.